June 5, 2010

i'm boooored

Oh what an extremely booooring weekend. I just want to make party like the Germans say. All night long, dancing, dancing and being happy. But no. I have to stay at home. I have to. But my body is aking for some fun. Well, well, Tuesday peeps, Tuesday. That's when the construction hell hole is over. Tuesday.

This morning though was a bit different. Every Saturday we take turns in making breakfast here in the house. I made savoury scones, Veronica went to IKEA and got us Swedish cheese and knäckebröd and Taylor and Bianca made us American pancakes. Today it was Jade's turn, so we had cantonese dim sum and dumpling soup with dried mini shrimps and seaweed. I've never had seaweed for breakfast, that's for sure. Interesting..!

Anywhosers. Have to stop taking breaks now. (Tuesday.. Tuesday.. Tuesday.. It's my mantra.)

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